Entre Techniques et Stratégies D’enseignement Dans L’université Algérienne

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Rofia Abada


Two important values that the Algerian University must ensure are Excellence
and Accessibility. It must respond to several challenges that continue to increase over the
years, in the face of globalization and financial globalization, and also in the face of a
digital era that is booming. Finally, higher education must translate the pedagogical
vision and this requires revisiting the ways in which training programmes are designed
and taught, as well as evaluating student learning. Methodological tools are needed to
make these pedagogical and academic practices effective and above all consistent with
the institutional requirements and national programmes set by the Algerian University.
Contemporary higher education, therefore, is designed through high-level educational
planning, teaching methods and techniques that are appropriate and especially that follow
the movement of the digital era, support systems are mandatory or even necessary, for
students, as well as modalities of assessment of their achievements to meet the needs of
the academic community in Algeria.

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How to Cite
Abada, R. (2018). Entre Techniques et Stratégies D’enseignement Dans L’université Algérienne. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i4.1035


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