محددات توجه الشباب الجامعي نحو النشاط المقاولاتي -دراسة میدانیة على عینة من الشباب الجامعي

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The purpose of this paper is to highlight the reality of entrepreneurial spirit among
Algerian youth and to determine the role that played by Determinants of entrepreneurship in
order to create this desire among Algerian youth. The data were collected through a
questionnaire, which was distributed, to about 250 students from two institutions selected from
the Algerian west, only 164 were retrieved and used for analysis.
In order to answer this problem. We have used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to
purify the model and to determine the main dimensions of Determinants of entrepreneurship.
Where the modeling of structural equations was used through the Partial Least Squares - Path
Modeling method (PLS-PM), so as to test hypotheses and to define the relationship between
Determinants of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit among Algerian youth
The findings of the study revealed there is no positive effect of these Determinants on the
creation of the entrepreneurial spirit in the target sample. And it recommended the need to pay
more attention to this philosophy by, Developing the work, and programs of the support, and
accompaniment apparatus, Enhance the social environment, and give it a pivotal role, in creating
a culture of entrepreneurship among young people, both educated and others, The abolition of
interest rates, which are one of the most important obstacles, that alienate Algerian youth from
the field of entrepreneurship such as those in some developed countries or even some Arab and
African countries

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How to Cite
هاملي ع. ا. (2018). محددات توجه الشباب الجامعي نحو النشاط المقاولاتي -دراسة میدانیة على عینة من الشباب الجامعي. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i4.1051


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