تأثیر استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في الترویج للحظائر السیاحیة بولایة تیسمسیلت

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إبراهیم لجلط


The study highblited the importance of the using social networks as a modern style in
promoting the tourist serveces and tourist bans that are in the local places of tissemsilt, especially
under the shade of rapid Technological devlopment, And to achieve that,it is procedured a study
for 92 tourists male and femal who com to the national ban,ELMEDDAD ,AIN ANTER
,WILAYA OF TISSEMSILT.For this , a questionnaire is desigend to easure all the variables of
this study ,commponetof 20 paragraphe So ,there is the verification of the semantis of validity
and reliability rates.and for that,it twas used the computational averages,standasdeviations, the
exam of bending, analusis of variance for answing all the question of the study and the test of its
By the end ,this study reached to prove the effectiveness of using the social networks in tourism
promotion of these bans.especially,the payes of facebook,youtube . After the finding , this study
provided a set of recommendations such as :- the need to include all resident, enterprises of the
tourist service,from Hotels ,tourist agencies and local adminstration on the pages in
communication network to promote the tourist services and attract a large number of tourists

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How to Cite
لجلط إ. (2018). تأثیر استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في الترویج للحظائر السیاحیة بولایة تیسمسیلت. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i4.1116


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