أثر الاتصال المؤسساتي على صورة المؤسسات الجزائریة في الخارج

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خالد قاشي


The discourse on the role of corporate communication in strengthening and improving
the image of Algerian companies abroad is one of the most important subjects, especially
given the current circumstances, characterized by lower prices which require the use of a
diversified economy that offsets the rentier economy.
This study was able to present the image of Algerian companies to its foreign partners,
identify the most important corporate communication tools that can be invoked to
reinforce and improve this image, we find that lobbies and event communication are
considered the Tools that can be used to achieve the objective of improving the image of
Algerian institutions among their foreign partners.

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How to Cite
قاشي خ. (2018). أثر الاتصال المؤسساتي على صورة المؤسسات الجزائریة في الخارج. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(3), 418–443. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i3.1129


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