Analysis of the external business environment for establishing cash waqf funds in Algeria according to the PESTEL model: Analytics and suggestions

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عبد القادر قداوي


This study aims to analyzing the external business environment to discover the opportunities and threats of establishing cash waqf funds in Algeria in the light of the (PESTEL) model, Starting with defining the concepts and terminology of the study, passing through the explanation the model and identifying its six components, we stopped at length to analyzing the current situation in Algeria, in order to investigate the conditions of the external environment so that we can reach results that show the possibility of establishing the fund or not.

      The study concluded, after examining the analysis of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors and knowing their relationships and effects, that the environment is suitable, the opportunity is favorable, and most of the external variables are helped, especially after the establishment of the National Office of waqf and Zakat as an independent waqf institution concerned to develop the waqf and the promotion of its tools and sustainability of its effects, including It achieves optimal social, charitable and economic development, according to the best policies and the right paths

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How to Cite
قداوي ع. ا. (2023). Analysis of the external business environment for establishing cash waqf funds in Algeria according to the PESTEL model: Analytics and suggestions . Finance and Business Economies Review, 7(2), 285–306.


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