Estimating the agricultural production function in the State of Mila in the period of (1990-2020)

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Messaoud Bendjouad


The study aims to estimate and analyze the agricultural production function in the Wilaya of Mila over the period from 1990 to 2020 using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to estimate and test the relationship between variables. The dependent variable is agricultural production, while the explanatory variables are employment, equipment, annual precipitation, and cultivated area. The results indicate a positive relationship in both the long run and short run between agricultural production and the explanatory variables of employment, equipment, and annual precipitation. However, the relationship with cultivated area is negative in the short run, contrasting with the positive association found in the long run. Overall, the study finds agricultural production is positively influenced by labor, capital in the form of equipment, and favorable climatic conditions as measured by precipitation, while the impact of land area devoted to cultivation differs in the short and long term.

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How to Cite
Bendjouad , M. (2023). Estimating the agricultural production function in the State of Mila in the period of (1990-2020). Finance and Business Economies Review, 7(3), 107–119.


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