Analysis of the global economic situation in light of the recession crisis and the war on Ukraine.

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yassine laib
Sandra laouar


The Covid 19 pandemic led to a global recession in 2020, and despite the rapid recovery of the global economy from it, the latter collided with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which led to a slowdown in growth again; and the emergence of new crises such as the energy crisis and food insecurity. This research aims to highlight the policies for dealing with economic recession crises, and analyze the current conditions and the reasons that contributed to the decline in global economic indices. The study concluded that the spillovers from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has accelerated the global economic slowdown, leading to high commodity prices, adding to supply disruptions, increasing food insecurity and poverty, exacerbating inflation .This contributed to increasing pressure and financial instability in various economies 

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How to Cite
laib, yassine, & laouar, S. (2023). Analysis of the global economic situation in light of the recession crisis and the war on Ukraine. Finance and Business Economies Review, 7(1), 149–124.


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