Financial inclusion in Algeria: between the necessity of application and the challenges of realization during (4002-4042)

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Fatma Benyoub
Sihem Boufelfel


Financial inclusion is considered the cornerstone of the financial health of economies and a fundamental pillar of development. From this standpoint, this research paper aims to examine the efforts made by government authorities and the extent of their contribution for activating the reality of financial inclusion in Algeria. The study concluded, that there is a will on the part of the public authorities that culminated in taking several measures, and policies to enhance financial inclusion, and despite the efforts made, indicators of financial inclusion in Algeria (financial depth, financial availability, automated teller machines, financial use) remain below the level
compared to other countries as a result, A set of common obstacles between the authorities and individuals 

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How to Cite
Benyoub, F., & Boufelfel, S. (2023). Financial inclusion in Algeria: between the necessity of application and the challenges of realization during (4002-4042). Finance and Business Economies Review, 7(1), 271–282.


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