The Role of the Account Governor in the Validity and Credibility of Information in the Financial Statements: Case Study of the Cement Company, Ain El Kabira, scaek, Setif

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Osama Tebib


The study aims to identify one of the most important independent functions that the institution resorts to upon
completion of the preparation of its financial statements to give an honest and true picture of its financial
statements, which is carried out by the account keeper according to an organized methodology that begins by examining the accounts and numbers contained in the financial statements and ends with the recording A final report in which he expresses his opinion on the accuracy and reliability of the accounting information. The study concluded that the external audit function is the mirror that reflects the truthfulness of the information contained in the financial statements, and this function has been widely spread because of its positive impact on the decisions taken by the managers who depend primarily on the company’s financial statements, especially in
light of the adoption of the governance policy in management. This was reflected in the orientations of the cement company, Ain Al Kabeera

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How to Cite
Tebib, O. (2022). The Role of the Account Governor in the Validity and Credibility of Information in the Financial Statements: Case Study of the Cement Company, Ain El Kabira, scaek, Setif. Finance and Business Economies Review, 6(3), 273–292.


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