Financial Analysis by Ratios: Comparative Study -Case of the Saidal and Biopharm Companies

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Samira Khendek


This work aims to analyze the financial situation of two pharmaceutical production companies,namely the Saidal company and the Biopharm company. To achieve this objective, we have calculated the ratios using a comparative approach. The results show that both companies are profitable, solvent and liquid. However, there are performance gaps between them. In fact, the comparison of the ratios clearly shows that Biopharm is more efficient than its competitor Saidal and this on all levels (liquidity, solvency
and profitability).

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How to Cite
Khendek, S. (2022). Financial Analysis by Ratios: Comparative Study -Case of the Saidal and Biopharm Companies. Finance and Business Economies Review, 6(3), 541–552.


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