Mechanisms of Poverty Reduction, the Vietnamese Experience as a Model

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Lakhdar Boukhatem


The phenomenon of poverty was and still is a major challenge for various countries at the global level, Because of its negative impact on various aspects like Social and Economic life, That is why finding appropriate mechanisms to combat poverty and reduce its levels was a fundamental focus of all public policies and strategies adopted by countries, This study aimed to identify the Vietnamese experience as one of the most important experiences at the global level in combating the phenomenon of poverty.

The study concluded, through analyzing and studying various statistics, that Vietnam succeeded in reducing poverty levels through legislative and legal reforms, investing in the human resource and opening the way to foreign capital all this contributed to achieving an economic renaissance that helped the country reduce the level of poverty and become an international model cited by all international bodies, such as the World Bank and OECD.

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How to Cite
Boukhatem, L. (2021). Mechanisms of Poverty Reduction, the Vietnamese Experience as a Model. Finance and Business Economies Review, 5(1), 171–191.


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