The Role of Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises on Economics’ Development

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سايبي صندرة


Entrepreneurship and small units constitute one of the most important inputs to economic. Several studies were trying to prove that. Despite this, we remain today many difficulties facing the process of quantifying the role of entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises and its location within other links related to economic development, such as those derived from big firms, so we will try with this article to clarify the role of entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises in the development Economy.

Through this study, we can see the positive impact of entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises on the renewal of the enterprises tissue, the labors creation and their prominence as a solution to unemployment’s problems. It also contributes to social development, by its equitable distribution of incomes comparing with big firms institutions, thus reducing poverty. It was also found that it greatly affects of exports by subsidizing them and filling part of the needs of domestic demand.

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How to Cite
صندرة س. (2021). The Role of Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises on Economics’ Development. Finance and Business Economies Review, 5(4), 88–113.


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