أثر الإبــداع في تحسین أداء المنظمات الحدیثة

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مصطفى بورنان


Innovation and its access are considered as a vital and a fundamental device to promate
the development of the economic entreprises and keep them in creasingly steady.
Believing of the necessity of insisting on the reinforcement of the innovation policy
and the creativity thought for the development sake to organize the economic and
administrative purpose aiming at bettering the competence and efficiency of the
entreprises.This study aims at the innovation for the understandings and the theories,
their levels and their process i.e. their explanation and the factors effecting their
economic and social policies.

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How to Cite
بورنان م. (2018). أثر الإبــداع في تحسین أداء المنظمات الحدیثة. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i4.913


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