Evaluating the contribution of the Algerian pharmaceutical industries to the balance of the national pharmaceutical market

Main Article Content

Charaf Aggoun
Aziz Bouruina
Loukman Boukhedouni


The aim of this paper to highlight the Algerian pharmaceutical industry. And how far it has
contributed to improve Algerian pharmaceutical market indices; by covering market needs and reduce Drug
imports and export support. It had also tried to present developments of the pharmaceutical industry sector
in Algeria. and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in this sector. The conclusion of the study was that;
despite Algerian pharmaceutical industry contributions to Satisfaction of market needs, but that is not
enough because the growth of the Algerian pharmaceutical market is caused by growing imports. And that
the contribution of the local product in export has not yet reached the required level. On the other hand, The
Algerian pharmaceutical industries have not been able to take advantage of local and external market

Article Details

How to Cite
Aggoun, C., Bouruina, A., & Boukhedouni, L. (2019). Evaluating the contribution of the Algerian pharmaceutical industries to the balance of the national pharmaceutical market. Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(3), 731–752. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v3i3.994








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