الاستجابة للفهم: على مفترق طرق استجابة القارئ وتصورات فهم النص
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
The current work reports about the findings of a study around the practicality of reader response technique in enabling students to get the most of the literary text. It is set in an Algerian context and concentrates much more on EFL students’ perceptiveness towards the putting into practice of a paradigm that allows no borders for interpretation throughout the way of comprehension. The paper sheds light as well on students’ opinions with reference to the teachers’ routines in dealing with the text in hand. For the sake of investigations, the study relies on a Likert scale questionnaire that was distributed to 50 students with the aim of cross checking their perceptions towards the incorporation of reception theory in literature classes. The results of the investigation give concrete proofs for the need of setting students loose to rethink the content of the text while they build their own text comprehension. The findings hint as well to the positive attitudes that FL students maintain concerning the efficacy of response theories as a facilitating factor of text comprehension. The study results prove that FL students are aware of the need of responding to what they read and they consider this step as a part of active learning and a preliminary one for further text understanding.
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