The University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf of Mila is launching a journal platform which offers an optimal user experience to the scientific community.
The platform is installed using the PKP-OJS publishing system, which fully offers the possibilities of digital research and discovery. Benefits of this system include third-party services for all users (editors, reviewers, authors, and readers), who have access to a variety of tools to customize their preferences, export citations, direct account logins for social media, and a feature that allows title recommendations to librarians.


  • Journal of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences

    The Journal of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (JIAMCS) is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed, semiannual international journal published by the University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf, MILA, ALGERIA.

    The journal publishes high-quality original research papers from various fields related to applied mathematics, scientific computing, and computer science.


  • مجلة كفاية للغة و الأدب

    مجلة كفاية للغة و الأدب هي مجلة علمية دورية ( سداسية)  محكمة صادرة عن معهد الآداب واللغات المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف ميلة، تنشر المجلة البحوث والدراسات النظرية والتطبيقية الجادة التي تتميز بالأصالة العلمية في مجال الآداب واللغات بشتى فروعها وتقاطعاتها، في اللغة الثلاث؛ العربية والفرنسية والإنجليزية وآدابها و مما يتصل بها من حقول موجودة وأخرى مستحدثة، كما تفتح المجلة أوراقها للمراجعات النقدية والردود العلمية حول الإصدارات العلمية المختلفة في مجال اهتمامها.

  • Conference Proceedings of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences

    The Conference Proceedings of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (CPIAMCS) is a scholarly publication dedicated to advancing the fields of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences published by the University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf, Mila, Algeria. By compiling high-quality research papers and extended abstracts from conferences, symposia, and academic meetings, CPIAMCS fosters the exchange of innovative ideas and cutting-edge developments. This platform highlights significant contributions from global academic and professional communities and also supports the dissemination of knowledge that drives progress and collaboration in these dynamic disciplines.

  • مجلة الأبحاث الأدبية والنقدية

    مجلة دورية دولية محكمة (سداسية) لها هيئة استشارية، وعلمية دولية تسعى للتميز بالسمعة

    العلمية العالمية والمصداقية العالية،و أن تنشر على صفحاتها أعمالا بحثية تتميز بالأصالة والنزاهة،

    وتكمل مسيرة البحث العلمي عبر تجارب وخبرات أهل الاختصاص لتكون منارة علم،وذلك عبر لغاتها

    الثلاث (العربية- الفرنسية- الإنجليزية) في مختلف ال ّدراسات الأدبية والنقدية التي تضيف إلى المعرفة

    الإنسانية ما يحقق لها التفرد في شتى فروع العلم

  • Finance and Business Economies Review

    Finance and Business Economies Review is published four times per year under the auspices of the Faculty of economics, commerce, and management of Abdelhafid Boussouf University centre, Mila, Algeria . The journal was founded in 2017. FBER is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, dealing with Contemporary business and management issues. Dr Tarek Belhadj is the Editor-in-Chief of FBER.



  • Milev Journal of Research and Studies

    Milev Journal of Research and Studies is an academic, peer-reviewed, open access journal focused on the applications of humanities and social science theories and methodologies. MJRS is published twice a year  under the auspices of the Faculty of economics, commerce, and management of Abdelhafid Boussouf University centre, Mila, Algeria . The journal was founded in 2015.  Dr Tarek Belhadj is the Editor-in-Chief of MJRS.

  • International Journal of Sciences and Natural Ressources

    The International Journal of Sciences and Natural Resources (IJSNR) is a peer-reviewed open-access available online journal, published in two issues per year by Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center Mila, Algeria.

    The journal publishes original research articles in all areas of biosciences, geosciences, environmental sciences and natural resources, particularly in the following areas:

    • Biology and Agricultural sciences
    • Veterinary sciences
    • Biotechnologies and food industries
    • Medical and pharmaceutical sciences
    • Ecology and environment
    • Geology and hydrogeology
    • Materials and soils
    • Hydro-bio-geochemistry
    • Green chemistry
    • Biodiversity and sustainable development
  • Mathematical Linguistics

    It is a peer-reviewed journal, issued by the University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf, Mila (Algeria), in Mathematical Linguistics. It publishes research in various branches of linguistics that serve mathematics or mathematics that serve linguistics, with a focus on the field of linguistic engineering, especially in the English language, and the journal publishes its research in the English language as the official language of the journal, in addition to the languages: Arabic, French, English, and Spanish. The Journal has a reading committee consisting of two scientific and advisory committees from the University Center of Mila.
    The journal areas are Natural Language Processing, Sentiment analysis, Machine learning, Mathematical Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Related Mathematical Sciences (Especially Algorithms, and Statistics...), Media, and Social Communication. Psychology, Grammar and Morphology, Lexicography, Philosophy, History, Librarianship, Legal sciences, Culture, Arts, and Literature, and seeks to translate various works in this field.