Impact of the auditor's ethical rules to reduce creative accounting practices Field study of companies in Iraq

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Mohammad Fakhri Mohamed


The study aimed to identify the impact of auditors' commitment toethical standards to reduce creative
accounting practices, andbased research on a key premise that is There are no statistically significant
differences between the auditor's commitment to business ethics and the use of creative accounting
techniques To achieve the research objectives, the descriptive, analytical and descriptive approaches were
used through a questionnaire list prepared for this purpose, and the study reached a series of results, the
most important of which is the commitment of auditors in the Iraqi business sector to a high degree of the
ethical standards of the auditor The general mean (4.17) There was a statisticallysignificantcorrelation
between the auditor's commitment to ethical norms and the use of creative methods of accountingTest value
(T) (13.81) The study recommended that legislation should be introduced to protect the auditor so that it
could cope with the pressures exercised by the management to exercise creative accounting.

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How to Cite
Fakhri Mohamed, M. (2019). Impact of the auditor’s ethical rules to reduce creative accounting practices Field study of companies in Iraq. Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(3), 287–299.


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