السياسات والتجارب الدولية الرائدة في مجال التنويع الاقتصادي حالة (ماليزيا واندونيسيا والمكسيك)

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غلاب فاتح غلاب فاتح
سعيداني محمد السعيد سعيداني محمد السعيد
رزيقات بوبكر رزيقات بوبكر


The global economic environment has undergone major changes as a result of the sharp decline and
possibly chronic in oil prices, and the consequent weakening of Balances foreign and finance public
accounts and weaken governance and institutions in the countries, and experts say the achievement of
tangible progress in reducing dependence on oil as a major source of export revenues and public finance, It
requires governments to adopt an economic model. And historical experiences tell us a few examples of
countries and possibly Malaysia, Indonesia and Mexico are the best models for countries succeeded in
diversifying their economies away from a focus on the oil. Although follow each of these countries a
different path, it is clear that among them some of the things common among them: providing incentives to
encourage companies to develop export markets and to support employment in the skills and education of
appropriate addition to finding a stable economic environment and a climate conducive to doing business.

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How to Cite
غلاب فاتح غ. ف., سعيداني محمد السعيد س. م. ا., & رزيقات بوبكر ر. ب. (2017). السياسات والتجارب الدولية الرائدة في مجال التنويع الاقتصادي حالة (ماليزيا واندونيسيا والمكسيك). Finance and Business Economies Review, 1(1), 78–92. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v1i1.1497


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