اليقظة الإستراتيجية ضرورة حتمية للاستمرار في البيئة المعاصر

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مريم بلحاج مريم بلحاج


his study examines what is the concept of the business intelligence with major differences
between researchers and organizations, where this concept reflects a management philosophy without a
specific model in the current fluctuations and highly and rapidly changing world. So, technical dimension
which represents information technology, is a double-edged sword negative and positive, needs to use
quality to achieve high results, which reflected the administrative dimension of the concept. On this basis,
instead of considering the concept of the business intelligence science or programming, it is considered an
art or a strategy based on the human element, which is the basis of excellence among organizations.

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How to Cite
مريم بلحاج م. ب. (2017). اليقظة الإستراتيجية ضرورة حتمية للاستمرار في البيئة المعاصر. Finance and Business Economies Review, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v1i1.1524


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