قیاس مخاطر الاستثمار في الأسواق المالیة وتأثیرها على سلوك المستثمرین

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عبد الرحمان نعجة
هواري مغنیة
زولیخة بختي


Abstract: This study aims to analyse investment risks nature and sources in Islamic Financial
Products and its Ethical counterpart arising from its investing, and also to demonstrate the
impact of their performance and risks measuring on the investor's behavior. Secondly, The
Performance analysis method is used to compare the two selected benchmarks chosen from
among the (DJIM) family of the Canadian Stock Market, utilising daily data of the close prices
of the Islamic index (CANI) and its Ethical counterpart (CAN) covering the period from
(January 2005 to December 2015). The results show that the Islamic index (CANI) outperform
and was more volatility sensible than its Ethical counterpart (CAN), particularly during the
period of the Sub-prime Crisis in 2008. Finally, the analysis of the correlation rate shows that
there was no significant link between the studied indices and US (T-Bill), which denies the
existence of the benchmark price risk. The study affords some of recommendations among
them: improving the competitiveness in the Islamic Financial Markets (a), by using Modern
Information Systems (b) and the independence of Shariah Boards of Islamic Banks (c), to
manage and hedge risks.

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How to Cite
نعجة ع. ا., مغنیة ه., & بختي ز. (2017). قیاس مخاطر الاستثمار في الأسواق المالیة وتأثیرها على سلوك المستثمرین. Finance and Business Economies Review, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v1i4.1619


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