The Impact of Market Orientation on Organizational Performance, the Mediating Role of Marketing Capabilities: An Exploratory Study on Hotel Establishments Operating in Mila

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Mahmoud Boulesbaa


The study aimed to know the impact of market orientation on organizational performance and the role of marketing capabilities in this relationship. The study sample consisted of workers in hotel establishments in the city of Mila, namely (Milev Hotel, Salam Hotel and Red Carpet Hotel). A total of 69 questionnaires were distributed, and 64 questionnaires were retrieved, all of the questionnaires were valid for analysis. To achieve the objectives of the study and analyze the opinions of the sample members, the spss.v.26 program and the Process macro.v.4.1 matrix were used. The study concluded that there is an impact of market orientation on marketing capabilities and organizational performance, as well as an impact of marketing capabilities on organizational performance, and th at marketing capabilities achieve Partial mediation of the relationship between market orientation and organizational performance 

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How to Cite
Boulesbaa, M. (2022). The Impact of Market Orientation on Organizational Performance, the Mediating Role of Marketing Capabilities: An Exploratory Study on Hotel Establishments Operating in Mila. Finance and Business Economies Review, 6(3), 310–333.


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