The role of the Entrepreneurial House in spreading entrepreneurial culture and thought in the university milieu as a tool to solve the problem of unemployment among university graduates - a case study of the Entrepreneurial House of Mila University Center

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Khireddine Bennoune
Farouk Bourihane


This Article aimed to clarify the role of Entrepreneurship House in
dissemination the entrepreneurship culture in the universities, and try to find
out the causes of high unemployment among graduate students, in order to
make proposals to reduce them. The study focused on Entrepreneurship
House at the university centre ABDULHAFID BOULOSOUF - Mila2

The descriptive approach was used by describing the most important
concepts related to this study, and then presenting the important activities that
were organized by Entrepreneurship House, and showing their impact on the
dissemination the entrepreneurship culture at university centre

It was found that the main reason for the high unemployment rate
among graduate students is due to the policy of the state in this field, in
addition to the lack of awareness among students about the importance of
investment orientation, and the necessary to adoption of entrepreneurial
thinking as a new alternative to career, The Entrepreneurship House attaches
great importance to spreading this awareness through the activities it
organizes annually for the benefit of students.


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How to Cite
Bennoune, K., & Bourihane, F. (2018). The role of the Entrepreneurial House in spreading entrepreneurial culture and thought in the university milieu as a tool to solve the problem of unemployment among university graduates - a case study of the Entrepreneurial House of Mila University Center. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 89–119.


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