Maghreb Economic Integration between Success Opportunities and Activation Constraints

Main Article Content

Mouncif Benkhedidja
Nadji Harireche


This paper addresses the subject of Maghreb economic integration and the
range of opportunities offered by the real Maghreb countries integration,
because the region countries have economic, natural, human and cultural
assets that guarantee an economic and political unit formation with an
important weight in the global economic system. Through this study we aim to
present and analyze the Maghreb experience in regional economic integration
and the main reasons that prevented the real embodiment of the project, as
well as the analysis of the possible opportunities and gains by the integration
of concerned countries, and the priorities through which those opportunities
could be seized, drawing on most important international organizations
statistics and scenarios. One of the most important results of this study is that
Maghreb economic integration promotes intra-regional trade development in
order to strengthen its international bargaining position and uniting its efforts
to meet common challenges in the area, making it more attractive to domestic
and foreign investments, it is therefore an irreplaceable strategic choice to
ensure prosperity and prosperity.


Article Details

How to Cite
Benkhedidja, M., & Harireche, N. (2018). Maghreb Economic Integration between Success Opportunities and Activation Constraints . Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 475–494.


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