The Role of Health Services in Enhancing the Attractiveness of Cities, Case Study Of the University Hospital of Constantine 2019

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Meriem Bourecherouche
Lahcene Forttas


Health services contribute to activating the attractiveness of cities, by increasing the number of populations flows to them, especially if they are linked to the factor of quality and abundance in the mother city with regional influence. The study aims to find out the level of attractiveness of the city of Constantine in health services within its general region and to research in order to find possible balances between the variables of the individual's life environment, in addition to achieving the highest level of acceptance and aspiration for the population. The attractiveness of cities ends in the result of polarization. Will this polarization serve the city, or does it turn into a social, solidarity role? To answer the aforementioned questions, we chose a systematic approach based on three axes: the attractiveness of the city between the theoretical framework and spatial accumulations, then the role of health services in the attractiveness of the city.Finally, the spatial dynamism of the city through the health functions of the University Hospital Center, Ben Badis, and its reflection on the city and its sphere of influence. The salient result is that the city of Constantine plays an important role

through its important strategic location, enabling it to be a center of distinguished vitality through the therapeutic services of the University Hospital Ben Badis.



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How to Cite
Bourecherouche, M., & Forttas, L. (2021). The Role of Health Services in Enhancing the Attractiveness of Cities, Case Study Of the University Hospital of Constantine 2019. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 7(1), 195–206.


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