Evolution of Interest Rate Policy in Algeria: (1970- June 2015) From Restriction to Liberalization

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Amirouche Chelghoume


The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of interest rate policy in Algeria during the period (1970- June 2015); we can
distinguish between two periods, financial repression period (1970- 1989), which characterized by the widespread interference by the
state in financial system, through administrative determination of interest rates at low levels, this policy was responsible for excessive
monetary expansion, low financial savings and misallocation of resources. Authorities liberalized various interest rates, policy rate
and retail rates (debtor and creditor), in the framework of the transition to market based economy (1990- June2015). The
research found limited success of the interest rate policy liberalization in the activation of monetary policy and banking
intermediation in Algeria.

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How to Cite
Chelghoume, A. (2017). Evolution of Interest Rate Policy in Algeria: (1970- June 2015) From Restriction to Liberalization. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 3(1), 183–394. https://doi.org/10.58205/mjrs.v3i1.950


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