The Impact of Banking System Variables on Economic Growth in Algeria: An Empirical Study During the Period (2000-2019) Using the ARDL Model

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أمينة بن حمو
جمال عبد الناصر بوثلجة


This study aims to know the relationship that exists between the variables of the banking system represented in the broad money supply, gross domestic saving, domestic credit provided to the private sector, investment, inflation, trade openness, on economic growth represented in the per capita share of GDP using the self-regression model. For ARDL time gaps for quarterly data during the time period (2000-2019), where the results showed the response of both the broad money supply and trade openness to economic growth, the negativity of both total savings and investment, and the insensitivity of domestic credit directed to the private sector.

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How to Cite
بن حمو أ., & بوثلجة ج. ع. ا. (2021). The Impact of Banking System Variables on Economic Growth in Algeria: An Empirical Study During the Period (2000-2019) Using the ARDL Model . Finance and Business Economies Review, 5(3), 25–44.


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