دور الحكامة في تحسین جودة وأداء مؤسسات التعلیم العالي د ا رسة مقارنة لنتائج التقییم الذاتي لمیدان الحكامة بین المركز الجامعي مرسلي عبد الله - تیبازة –

Main Article Content

samia bedoui


Academic governance is one of the most important modern strategies adopted by
international universities and has achieved positive results in improving its performance
and guaranteeing its quality.
The importance of the current study is to highlight the national reference to quality
assurance adopted in Algerian higher education, and to highlight the role and
effectiveness of the self-evaluation process in the field of governance in improving the
quality and performance of institutions of higher education by analyzing and comparing
the results of the self-evaluation of two university centers for 2017.

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How to Cite
bedoui, samia. (2018). دور الحكامة في تحسین جودة وأداء مؤسسات التعلیم العالي د ا رسة مقارنة لنتائج التقییم الذاتي لمیدان الحكامة بین المركز الجامعي مرسلي عبد الله - تیبازة –. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(2), 607–618. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i2.1583


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