Quality Assessment of University Life in Higher Education Institutions during the Corona Pandemic from the University Family’s Point of View: Case Study of the University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf – Mila

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Benharkou Zayneb
Miloud Borni


The current study sought to ascertain the level of satisfaction of university center members, Abdelhafid Boussouf with the quality of university life during the Corona pandemic. To achieve the study's objectives, the researchers used the National Quality Assurance Reference (CIAQES) to create the electronic questionnaire. Students, professors, administrative staff, and professional workers at the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center made up the study population. The sample was made up of 275 people who were chosen at random, and the study yielded several results. The most important is that no one is completely satisfied with the quality of university life during the Corona pandemic. This is due to a lack of effective preparation for the university environment, as well as a lack of interest in the university lifestyle. The lack of a self-evaluation process, as well as the weakness of the information system for this field, are the most significant barriers to achieving a high quality of university life. 

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How to Cite
Zayneb, B., & Borni, M. (2023). Quality Assessment of University Life in Higher Education Institutions during the Corona Pandemic from the University Family’s Point of View: Case Study of the University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf – Mila. Finance and Business Economies Review, 6(3), 429–449. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v6i3.417


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