Digitization of human resources and its impact on promoting the requirements of sustainable development in higher education in light of the Corona pandemic - an applied study on female students of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.

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Abir Bakeri Sirrelkhatem
Rokia Ali Ahmed
Saloua Derar Aouadh
Alouia Said Zoubeir


The study aimed to identify the extent of digitization of human resources and its impact in creating sustainable development in higher education in light of the pandemic, as the problem of the study was: Is the reality of digitizing human resources in Saudi universities commensurate with the requirements of sustainable development in light of the environmental threats of the Corona pandemic? The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach. In addition to the historical curriculum, where the study hypothesis was represented in the existence of a positive statistical relationship between digitizing human resources and enhancing the requirements of sustainable development in higher education in light of the Corona pandemic. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The study resulted in more than 60% that the university is working to gain a prominent place among educational institutions and achieve sustainable development through building a knowledge society based on the knowledge economy and digitizing human resources. It was also found that 68% of the respondents assert that the university is working to acquire an appropriate technical structure that includes all technical means, and that it is managed by competent and specialized cadres to support digitization in light of the pandemic.

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How to Cite
Bakeri Sirrelkhatem, A., Ali Ahmed, R., Derar Aouadh, S., & Said Zoubeir, A. (2021). Digitization of human resources and its impact on promoting the requirements of sustainable development in higher education in light of the Corona pandemic - an applied study on female students of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. Finance and Business Economies Review, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v5i1.554


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