أهمیة تنمیة كفاءات الموارد البشریة بالنسبة للمنظمات -دراسة حالة مستشفى الإخوة مغلاوي بمیلة

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حمودي حیمر


Human resources are concerned with the attention of organizations, because they
ensure their continuity and success, therefore they strive to maintain high levels of
competencies in their human resources, so that they can adapt to rapid environmental changes.
For this reason they needs to developing competencies, which is the subject of our research,
under the title: The importance of human resources competencies development for the
organizations - a study of the state of the public hospital organization Brothers Meghlawi
Mila. At the end of the study, we concluded that the development of competencies is of great
importance to the organizations and that they are a necessity to meet their future challenges.
However, we noted the absence of this proposal in the field hospital, where we found that most
of the human resources working in the administration did not benefit from any program to
develop competencies. Which they are not commensurate with their experience or their
functional levels

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How to Cite
حیمر ح. (2017). أهمیة تنمیة كفاءات الموارد البشریة بالنسبة للمنظمات -دراسة حالة مستشفى الإخوة مغلاوي بمیلة. Finance and Business Economies Review, 1(4), 159–174. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v1i4.1645


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