strategic diagnosis through Resource theory approach Projecting the concept on the reality of human resource diagnosis in the Algerian establishment

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SAMIA Yaghni


The classic diagnosis theory of economic organizations is based on the assumptions of analyzing the market and the structure of industrial sectors, but the resource theory establishes a different principle that assumes that institutional excellence is through the analysis of the organization's internal resources as this study aims to identify the reality of dropping this concept on the reality of strategic diagnosis of the human resource in the Algerian institution Via, human resource curve analysis, human resource portfolio analysis, human resource substitution map analysis. The field study was conducted at the General Organization for Leather Processing in Jijel through a sample of employees and workers. It reached record levels of low levels in whole dimensions, indicating the absence of a clear vision to adopt such approaches and recommended the need to focus on diversity and optimal investment in the human resource

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How to Cite
Madeni, A., & Yaghni, S. (2020). strategic diagnosis through Resource theory approach Projecting the concept on the reality of human resource diagnosis in the Algerian establishment. Finance and Business Economies Review, 4(2), 279–298.


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