The Role of Strategic Vigilance in Improving the Quality Decision in Economic Institution:A Field Study with the Use of Path Analysis on Algerie Telecom Company

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Imad Sihamdi
Abd lmalek Belaachi


This study aims to identify the role of strategic vigilance on improving quality decisions, through analyzing the relationship between intelligence dimensions (the foresight, system thinking, the future vision and motivation) and quality decisions, because the strategy vigilance becomes one of the most challenges to monitor information and is very important and inevitable for the economic institutions especially the Algerian ones which face other competitive institutions. The Algerian institutions must become flexible
and adaptable constantly with update environment internal and external college necessity, In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the questionnaire was used as a main tool for collecting data on the study’s variables. The research used path analysis to analyses and test hypothesis. The study concluded that there is a relationship of impact and correlation between strategic vigilance with its dimensions and improving quality decisions. 

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How to Cite
Sihamdi, I., & Belaachi, A. lmalek. (2022). The Role of Strategic Vigilance in Improving the Quality Decision in Economic Institution:A Field Study with the Use of Path Analysis on Algerie Telecom Company. Finance and Business Economies Review, 6(3), 293–309.


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