واقع ممارسة الذكاء الاقتصادي في المؤسسات الاقتصادیة الجزائریة دراسة حالة: قطاع الصناعة الإلكترونیة-الكهرومنزلیة لولایة برج بوعریریج

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خدیجة العرابي


This study seeks to know the reality of the practice of economic intelligence in
its three dimensions of strategic vigilance, protection of information and influence in
economic institutions, in particular the electronic and electromechanical institutions
located in the state of Bordj Bou Arreridj. In order to achieve this, the analytical
descriptive approach, the methodology of the case study of the institutions, the study
society and its sample from all institutional frameworks, were distributed to the
questionnaires. We also relied on data analysis on descriptive statistical methods using
The study found several results, the most important of which is that the level of exercise
of strategic alertness was high compared to other dimensions, the protection of
information and the impact in terms of responses of the sample members of the study.
The exercise of economic intelligence in its three dimensions of strategic vigilance and
protection of information and influence was deficient, which shows that institutions are
still working to monitor the external environment only through strategic vigilance.

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How to Cite
العرابي خ. (2018). واقع ممارسة الذكاء الاقتصادي في المؤسسات الاقتصادیة الجزائریة دراسة حالة: قطاع الصناعة الإلكترونیة-الكهرومنزلیة لولایة برج بوعریریج. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(3), 388–405. https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v2i3.631


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