The Degree of Management Practice By Roaming and Its Role in Reducing The Cost of Quality "Field Study in The Company of Soft Drinks For The Kurdistan Region"

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mohamed hazem ismail alghazali
wissem ali hassen
kacem ibrahim abd


The importance of roaming management, which represents continuous improvement towards achieving
good quality and customer satisfaction in recent decades, while reducing the cost of products, which
increase the chances of profits of the company and the company is able to compete prices and quality of the
product as the (management roaming) now has a completely different concept than the above The classic
management in the past means follow-up administrative orders office management is roaming is the field
administrative work, which increases the conformity of the product to the specifications set by companies
for their products, and to identify the level (management roaming) and (quality costs) in the company of
vinegar It was found that there is an important role for roaming management in determining the places of
waste in the production processes and determining the path of production processes determined by the
administration through the roaming of the production managers. The more the use of the administration by
roaming within the institutions, To reduce quality costs as there is an inverse relationship between the
practice of roaming and the cost of quality.

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How to Cite
alghazali, mohamed hazem ismail, hassen, wissem ali, & abd, kacem ibrahim. (2019). The Degree of Management Practice By Roaming and Its Role in Reducing The Cost of Quality "Field Study in The Company of Soft Drinks For The Kurdistan Region". Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(2), 486–505. Retrieved from


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