Green customs and their role in promoting the green economy

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Aicha Guendouz
Safia Alaoui


Green customs is considered a tool for achieving the green economy, as the latter
requires the presence of escort services that support environmentally friendly activity;
This is what we will address in our study by applying a descriptive and analytical
approach in order to know the theoretical framework for green customs And its role in
promoting the green economy while highlighting the case of Algeria. And we mentioned
the experience of an Arab country.
We concluded that green customs is an unopposed initiative in Algeria, and that is,
Algeria should seriously consider this issue, which has a major role in supporting the
green economy in Algeria.

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How to Cite
Guendouz, A., & Alaoui, S. (2020). Green customs and their role in promoting the green economy. Finance and Business Economies Review, 4(1), 01–17.


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