دور الشراكة الصناعیة للمؤسسة الاقتصادیة في التعلم وخلق القیمة المضافة في المؤسسة الشریكة -دراسة حالة الشراكة بین مؤسسة میناء بجایة والمؤسسة السنغافوریة بورتیك

Main Article Content

ياسين بوبكر
وسيلة بوطاعة


The Economic institution chooses the partnership as a strategic choice to
support its skills to face rivalry, also it's a way to obtain a learning and experience those
play an essential role in creating the competitive advantage, Because those the one that
can make the Value Added through the innovation. So, To get the exported effect by the
strategic partnership on the Performance of the partner institution, We take a look on the
response of experience and shared date of this one, and so to the training programs and
technical ones, and how much it depends on human resources that it has, and how much
that have been motivated and collaborated in editing ideas and creating decisions

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How to Cite
بوبكر ي., & بوطاعة و. (2018). دور الشراكة الصناعیة للمؤسسة الاقتصادیة في التعلم وخلق القیمة المضافة في المؤسسة الشریكة -دراسة حالة الشراكة بین مؤسسة میناء بجایة والمؤسسة السنغافوریة بورتیك. Finance and Business Economies Review, 2(3), 406–417. Retrieved from https://jiamcs.centre-univ-mila.dz/index.php/fber/article/view/605


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