The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks: An Applied Study on A Sample of Arab Banks

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فـؤاد محمد عبدالله الخزرجي


The study aimed to identify the impact of the Corona pandemic on the financial performance of Arab commercial banks. His 2019 at the general level. The study recommended that Arab banks should follow a precautionary policy to face future risks that they may be exposed to so as not to be exposed to financial losses and problems as they were exposed to during this pandemic, The study also praised the monetary procedures and policies followed by the Arab central banks in their support for commercial banks, which helped a lot in facing the pandemic and its negative effects and leaving banks out of it with minimal losses.

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How to Cite
الخزرجي ف. م. ع. (2021). The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks: An Applied Study on A Sample of Arab Banks. Finance and Business Economies Review, 5(4), 266–283.


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