The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR on the promotion of the Hodna Milk’ sustainability L’impact de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises sur la promotion de la durabilité de Hodna Milk

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Mustapha Sahnoune
Oualid Backache


The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
in the promotion of the enterprises’ sustainability and this after the increase of the need of the
corporation’ social aspects regarding the current shifts in societal expectations given the growing
reality that business needs the approval of society to survival and to prospect. So these
corporations must be involved in this shift by integrating Corporate Social Responsibility in their
activities in order to ensure the survival of these enterprises, and thus to guarantee the
sustainability of these enterprises.
The result of the study revealed that there is a need to apply corporate social responsibility
in the activities of enterprises in order to ensure their survival as we have seen through the case
study that it has a significant impact on the promotion of the enterprise’ sustainability

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How to Cite
Sahnoune, M., & Backache, O. (2019). The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR on the promotion of the Hodna Milk’ sustainability L’impact de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises sur la promotion de la durabilité de Hodna Milk. Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(2), 91–113. Retrieved from


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