The role of balanced scorecard in assessing the human resources performance in the economic companies (Learning and growth perspective)

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Mourad Kouachi
Kaouther Rami


This study aimes to identify the evaluation of human resources
performance by using the Balanced Scorecard. he was concluded that the
balanced scorecard transfers the strategic objectives into performance
indicators and measures, the BSC has many indicators for the perspective
of learning and growth that is interested to the intellectual abilities of
human resources and their skill levels, the efficiency of information systems.
Pherfos Company uses Dashboard to evaluate the performance of its
human resources, and this leadership contains quantitative indicators (rate
of development of human resources, turrnover of employees, rate of
absences, frequency of work accidents).




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How to Cite
Kouachi, M., & Rami, K. (2018). The role of balanced scorecard in assessing the human resources performance in the economic companies (Learning and growth perspective). Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 513–533.


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