Higher Education Reforms in Algeria between Quantitative Requirements and Quality Challenges - Diagnostic Study of the Course of Reforms in the Higher Education Sector in Algeria -

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Mahmoud Smaili
Saida Benamara


This study aims to provide a diagnostic study of the course of the development of reforms and modifications in the higher education system in Algeria, by addressing the most important pillars on which these reforms were based, especially with regard to the training structure defined by each track. The study also touched on the most important achievements made, especially in the field of development of student censuses and training institutions, the quality of training offered to students, and the imbalances and problems that resulted from the application of these reforms. To achieve these goals, the study used the descriptive approach, and relied on statistics and reports of the Ministry of Higher Education and National Research and national scientific journals to collect data. The study concluded that it is necessary to reconsider training engineering in general, and in structuring the pedagogical organization specially approved

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How to Cite
Smaili, M., & Benamara, S. (2022). Higher Education Reforms in Algeria between Quantitative Requirements and Quality Challenges - Diagnostic Study of the Course of Reforms in the Higher Education Sector in Algeria -. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 8(1), 106–126. https://doi.org/10.58205/mjrs.v8i1.510



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