The inevitability of adopting an ethical code for human resource management in the organization: a proposed model

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Hadjer Krichi
Mohamed salah Krichi


In this paper, we discussed the necessity of adopting rules that govern the
management of human resources within the company, as we aim to highlight
the importance of the company's approach to adopting a code of ethics and
proposing a model of reference for moral code in human resources
management. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, we have
chosen a descriptive approach, in which we’ve reviewed the conceptual
framework of job’s ethics, and a case study, at a later stage of the research,
presenting the function of managing human resources. We have reached the
result that there is a necessity to create a code of ethics in human resources
management as it helps to sensitize workers in their respective jobs and
directs them towards ethical practices in order to ensure reaching the
expected objectives for each job. We have provided a model to be considered
as a reference framework that would provide a set of values and controls to be
adhered by the human resources managers.





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How to Cite
Krichi, H., & Krichi, M. salah. (2018). The inevitability of adopting an ethical code for human resource management in the organization: a proposed model . Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 429–447.