Administrative orders and their impact on the teachers of the Iraqi Ministry of Education

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Djassem Ahmed Abdelkarim
Hadher Sabeh Chair
Ahmed Ahmed Khedhir


The study aims at articulating the relational impact between administrative orders and teachers'
performance in Anbar's ministry of education. The study entails the questionnaire as a method of research
which includes 25 questions distributed randomly among five schools and (50) teachers. The study
concludes that there is a moral and material relationship between the administrative orders and teachers'
performance. It also concludes that there is an interrelated relationship of a psychological impact between
promotions, bonuses, acknowledgments, and the slow level of responding and viewing the delay of
activating the orders that preserve the teachers' rights such annual promotions, bonuses, acknowledgments,
and the transformation of teachers from one school to another. The study reaches to positive results
concerning the moral relationship between the teachers and the administration of the school which shows a
positive collaboration with teachers—a matter that supports and encourages their performance and
motivates them to fulfill their responsibilities and works as far as the educational process is concerned

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How to Cite
Ahmed Abdelkarim, D., Sabeh Chair, H., & Ahmed Khedhir, A. (2020). Administrative orders and their impact on the teachers of the Iraqi Ministry of Education. Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(4), 57–72. Retrieved from


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