فعالية الحملات الإعلامية في تنمية الثقافة المقاولاتية لدى الطالب الجامعي - د ا رسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة جامعة 80 ماي 5491 قالمة –

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صليحة غلاب


The concept of entrepreneurial culture considered as science stream that logically imposes the interactivity of academic researches with the developments of its complex setting in composition and practice. As far as, the debate about the entrepreneurial culture from the socio-santhropological sight no longer tend to refer only to the social culture in all economic and social institutions - albeit its necessary - but the first intent is an entrepreneurial culture as a product of social entity which is interacted within the entrepreneurship as it is distinct organization that imposes its relative independence from the surrounding circumference. In addition to the need to adopt an appropriate strategy to support the entrepreneurial thoughts and aims to instill the spirit of entrepreneurship at young people especially students, and therefore should design an intensive information campaigns to support the entrepreneurial culture and educating about its importance in the creation of their own, what made us shed more light on the subject.

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How to Cite
غلاب ص. (2017). فعالية الحملات الإعلامية في تنمية الثقافة المقاولاتية لدى الطالب الجامعي - د ا رسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة جامعة 80 ماي 5491 قالمة –. Finance and Business Economies Review, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.58205/fber.v1i2.1490


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