Mediating Role Of Perceived Service Quality In The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Customer Loyalty Of Jawwal Company

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Aymen Hassen Diraoui


The aim of the research is to test the relationship between CSR and customer loyalty, and to identify the
intermediate role of perceived service quality in the relationship between CSR and customer loyalty. The
descriptive descriptive method was used by applying the sample method of the first year students at Al-Aqsa
University, which numbered 1235 students and 3171 students. The research was conducted on a sample of
(353) individual (353) responses with a response rate of 100%. One of the most important results of the
research is that there is a positive correlation between all dimensions of social responsibility (social, ethical,
charitable, environmental) and customer loyalty, while emphasizing the role of perceived quality of service
as an intermediary and enhanced relationship between social responsibility and customer loyalty. The most
important recommendations are: the need to intensify Jawwal social support programs, respect for all
stakeholders and listen to the voice of the customer and respect for his views and proposals, and the need to
work Jawwal to increase interest in the environment through the use of communication methods that avoid
.the environment risks through the use of modern technology

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How to Cite
Diraoui, A. H. (2019). Mediating Role Of Perceived Service Quality In The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Customer Loyalty Of Jawwal Company. Finance and Business Economies Review, 3(2), 652–675. Retrieved from


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