How to activate the quality assurance system in the Algerian universities by taking advantage of the leading international experiences

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Toufik Bourhli
Rabab Zaraa


This article is a contribution to clarify the issue of quality assurance in
Algerian institutions of higher education.
After a presentation of the different theoretical aspects of the subject, we
have drawn up a sample of the countries and in the light of the analysis
of different experiences we have concluded that the quality assurance of
the Algerian university system has not been able to reach the level
required because of a combination of factors and obstacles that
prevented its success.
The various tests and trials we have referred to have led us to conclude
that the success of the application of the quality assurance system in the
various academic institutions remains subject and dependent on the
availability of a certain number of conditions, mainly the publication
and wider dissemination of a culture of quality, the choice and training
of actors on the procedural aspect of quality assurance, which are in
fact real possibilities for this system which must undoubtedly benefit
from the experience of others.



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How to Cite
Bourhli, T., & Zaraa, R. (2018). How to activate the quality assurance system in the Algerian universities by taking advantage of the leading international experiences . Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 269–299.