Tourism Industry in Algeria and MoroccoOpportunities and challenges

Main Article Content

Mohamed Midaini
Houcin Ben arya


This study examines the different aspects of the tourism industry in an
attempt to identify its potential in Algeria and Morocco and the extent of
the industry interest. The contribution of the tourism industry to the
economy of Algeria and Morocco is also examined in an attempt to
compare the two countries during the period from 2008 to 2014 by
analyzing the development of the most important indicators of this sector
in the two countries and the challenges of tourism development in
Algeria and Morocco. The study concluded that The contribution of the
tourism sector to the GDP, is failed to achieve the desired results from
the various strategies adopted by Morocco and Algeria to promote and
support the tourism sector. The most important recommendation of this
paper is to promote tourism inside and outside the country and the
dissemination of tourist culture; in addition to the focus on diversifying
tourism industry in such a way to ensure the sustainability of tourist
activity. The latter becomes a concern for governments in adopting
industrial investments, especially in the field of energy.

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How to Cite
Midaini, M., & Ben arya, H. (2018). Tourism Industry in Algeria and MoroccoOpportunities and challenges . Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1).