An Analytical & Evaluation Study of Vulnerability Risks of Youth in the Labour Market -with a Focus on the Phenomenon of International Migration of Workers & its Implications for Countries of Origin –

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هشام ريغي


This study aims to shed light on the youth category and the risks that result from their poor position in the labour market, whether as a result of their unemployment or engaging in inappropriate forms of employment such as informal work, poor employment and temporary work. Emphasis was placed on the phenomenon of international labour migration as one of the implications of this situation. The study concluded that the situation of young people in the labourmarket at the global level is very fragile, which leads them to make the decision to migrate to other countries as an option to escape from this situation. Although international migration of young people involves some positives in some cases, in others it involves some negatives, especially if it comes to skilled labour, which requires adopting solutions to address the causes of this migration, in addition to benefiting from migrant labour in general.

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How to Cite
ريغي ه. (2020). An Analytical & Evaluation Study of Vulnerability Risks of Youth in the Labour Market -with a Focus on the Phenomenon of International Migration of Workers & its Implications for Countries of Origin –. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 6(2), 293–328.


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