Migrants and the “LIFO” Rule: Learned Lessons from the Financial Crisis 2008

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مغتات مغتات


The 2008’s financial crisis has directly affected the labor markets in developed countries either by the dismissals or by declining in wages. This strong sudden change had an inevitable impact on the international migration flows, especially on migrants working in the labor markets of the affected countries, what has led to a decline of the legal migrants flows and to a continuous growing of the social tension between migrants and the native workers. This made most of immigration-attracting countries reconsidering  their policies that encourage the return migration to rectify the high unemployment rates and give the priority to the native workers. According to the economists and from the fact of previous crises experiences; so migrants are victims of the rule « Last-In-First-Out », which means that migrants are the last to be employed in the labor market and the first to be laid off in a state of crisis.


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How to Cite
مغتات م. (2019). Migrants and the “LIFO” Rule: Learned Lessons from the Financial Crisis 2008. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.58205/mjrs.v5i1.628


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