Analysis and Evaluation of Financial Performance Using inancial Indicators An Applied Study at Arcelor Mittal Annaba, 2014)-Algeria (2013

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Nour addin Zaibet
Dallel Hattab


The research aims to demonstrate the importance of analyzing and
evaluating the financial performance of Arcelor Mittal Steel Annaba, based
on the financial indicators to analyze the financial performance, including
the liquidity ratios, financial balance indicators, and cost indicators. We
used the analytical descriptive method to suit the research topic and the
results obtained. The financial indicators have shown that the financial
position of the institution is short term in the short term. The main
recommendations of the research are the need to control the costs of all

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How to Cite
Zaibet, N. addin, & Hattab, D. (2018). Analysis and Evaluation of Financial Performance Using inancial Indicators An Applied Study at Arcelor Mittal Annaba, 2014)-Algeria (2013 . Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 4(1), 193–210.