Repercussion of corporate governance on the financial market

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kahina rachame


The crises, collapses and scandals that institutions and economies
experienced, especially after the collapse of the largest auditing company
in the word who led to bankruptcy and effected several global financial
markets, have contributed in the appearance of a new concept which is
the Corporate Governance, this last that constitutes an adequate solution
in order to increase the faith in the majority of transactions inside
financial markets, especially after the appearance of misguidance in
financial audit reports, in order to increase the importance of control
systems and the accountancy inside the institutions that entered into
financial markets.
The corporate governance acts to augment the credibility of the
accounting data especially that nowadays, the world focuses on direct
types of financing, by relying on financial markets, especially after the
increase of creating and adopting big projects and reaching the stage of
efficient financial markets to finance the existing investments

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How to Cite
rachame, kahina. (2016). Repercussion of corporate governance on the financial market. Milev Journal of Research and Studies, 2(1), 141–160.


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